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1. There were 15 green clowns in a circus. The red ones are 3 times less than green ones. How many clowns are there in a circus? _______

2. During the representation in a circus the clown had got 8 blue and 6 red rings. He divided them fifty-fifty between two dogs. How many rings were to each dog given? _______

3. The clown in green suit is 15 years old, and the clown in red suit is 3 times younger than the clown in green and the clown in yellow suit is 5 years older than the clown in red. How old are clowns?______

4. One clown had got 3 spheres, and the other one had got in 4 times more. How many spheres had the clowns got? _______

5. There are 8 clowns in each 4 holiday. How many clowns there are in such 5 holidays? _______

6. There were 35 clowns in a circus. 7 of them have left it on 4 times. How many clowns have left there? ______

7. There were 40 clowns. Each of 4 clowns took on 3 spheres. How many spheres remained on arena? _______

8. The clown has drawn a rectangular with the sides 3 see and 4 see. He wants to learn perimeter of his rectangular. _______

9. The clowns have taken 4 times on 9 liter of water from 44-liter can filled with water. How many liter of water remained in the can? _______

10. There were 8 boxes and in each of them there were 8 clown toys. Till the afternoon 40 toys were sold. How many toys remained in the shop? _______

11. The younger clown Jabir is 9 years old, the older clown, his granddad, is older than him in 6 times. How many times is the granddad older than Jabir? _______

12. There were 3 tigers in a circus. 3 tigers were brought in 2 cages. How many tigers are in a circus after that? _______

13. There are 5 clowns in a circus. 2 more clowns have come on 3 times. How many clowns are there in a circus? _______

14. The clown in green suit has got 5 spheres, the other one in yellow suit has got spheres in 2 times more, and the third clown in red suit have got in 2 times more than the second one has. So how many spheres have the yellow and red clowns got? _______

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