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In Greenville, SC, USA, there is a first grade class of clowns. They go by the name of Classy Clowns. They get into a lot of fun. To find out about what they do, you will need to solve these story problems.

1. There were 10 clowns on a unicycle. Five fell off. How many are left on the unicycle? _______

2. There were two Clowns, Jesse and Jatavius, on a trapeze. Jesse fell off the trapeze. How many clowns were left on the trapeze? _____

3. Kirby and Ashley went to act. 13 people came to watch them. Six of those people left. How many people are left to watch them? ______

4. There were 9 girl clowns. Two walked away. How many girl clowns are left? ______

5. There are 5 funny clowns on the trapeze. Two more funny clowns joined them. How many funny clowns are on the trapeze now? _____

6. The clowns in the circus have 6 juggling balls. Another clown came along and took two of the balls. How many are left? _____

7. There are 18 clowns on a trampoline. 18 more joined them. How many clowns are jumping on the trampoline now? _____

8. There are 1000 jugglers in the USA. 1000 more jugglers came to the USA to join them. How many jugglers are there now? _____

9. 100 clowns went to the circus. One got sick and went home. How many clowns were left? _____

10. There were five dogs with the clowns. All five dogs ran away. How many dogs were left with the clowns? _____

11. One million people were in line to see the clowns in the circus. One thousand left to see the elephants. How many people were still in line? _____

12. There were 11 clowns on the trampoline. 11 bounced off. How many clowns were still on the trampoline? _____

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