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Day the Circus came into Town
Tinkerbell wanted so much to be a clown but she couldn't find the circus. She went looking for the circus but she still couldn't find it.
When Tinkerbell went home, her Mum and Dad were not there. She looked outside for them and saw the circus tent in her backyard. She carefully walked up to the tent and opened the curtains to look inside. It was empty.
Tinkerbell decided to go in and have a ride on the wheel. When she got off the wheel, a clown turned up and a lion jumped through a hoop. The clown said, "Do you want me to teach you some tricks ?" Tinkerbell said, "Yes please. "
They did some tricks. When they were finished the clown asked Tinkerbell if she wanted to be a clown. From that day on, Tinkerbell was a clown.
By Tinkerbell
The Day the Circus came to Groote Eylandt
One day on Groote Eylandt there was a circus coming. Jake was down at the wharf waiting for the barge to come into Groote Eylandt. That day Jake helped unload all the circus gear off the barge but he was dropping everything he picked up.
He took the container to the town oval and started to set up the circus tent. Jake wished for years and years to be a clown with a named called Milkshake Moogie. He decided to scare people at the circus by bringing in his pet dogs, called Monkey and Dodo. But really they were crocodiles under their costumes.
Jake was juggling some balls suddenly the balls turned into crocodiles. Everyone in the audience started running everywhere, but Milkshake Moogie had to get everyone back inside, so he started to be a very good clown and was doing funny tricks. All the audience saw his funny show and ended up sitting down again.
The ringmaster was so happy with Milkshake Moogie's performance that he invited him to join his circus from that day. Jake was so happy because his wish to become a clown had come true.
by Milkshake Moogie
The Day the Circus Came to Town
One day in Russia there was a circus. The clowns were Jester, Stinky Inky, Tazza and Milkshake Moogie and Scooby Doo. The Boss was Bozo, the acrobats were Kenny and Gutso.
Then the show began a clown robbed the circus. His name was Woo Woo. He was stealing the children's popcorn and their balloons. All the children were crying.
The ringmaster didn't know what to do because all the people were suppose to be laughing and they were all crying.
Then Cracker the clown came out from behind the curtains and made everyone laugh. Bozo was laughing too. Cracker smelt Bozo's flower on his shirt and water went up his nose. Cracker fell down and all the audience started laughing again. Cracker and Bozo then went on the uni cycle and chased Woo Woo out of the circus.
Woo Woo was not a clown ever again.
The Day the Circus Came to Town
One day a Juggler called Dozo from the World Circus always wanted to be a clown because he wanted to be funny and make people laugh.
When he went to sleep that night he dreamed to be a clown. Then the next morning he went to the ringmaster and asked to be a clown and he said "No" A clown named Doo Doo wanted to learn how to juggle and Dozo asked "Do you want to juggle?" and Doo Doo said "Yes" and then Dozo dressed into a clown suit and they juggled and the Ring master was surprised and after the show the ringmaster told the clowns that they were good at juggling. Then Dozo took off the clown costume and the ringmaster got a shock.
The ring master said to Dozo "You can be a clown only if you teach all the other clowns how to juggle", and Dozo said yes and he was very happy.